perfect, if you could actually make the word "cage" literally a tiny tiny bit darker its ready to go. Very small amount. Leave everything else just like that though!
There's a strip going through the edges that looks to be more of a matte texture. If you could extend that making the more glossy parts smaller. The overall edge thickness of the entire thing is perfect though, I only mean bringing out that matte part a little. If you're still unsure let me know
The other colors look nice, but I think I ended up still liking this one the most. One very last small detail before I select it as the winner. You know that matte strip going through the edges? If you could make that part a tiny tiny bit thicker that would be great. Keep the overall edges the same thickness, but just extend that matte part. Let me know if you know what I mean. After that, i'm ready to select it! Great work I love it
I think that's perfect! Now do you mind if I can see some different colors and then I'll select the winner? Can you try a couple different variations switching out the orange color for dark blue on one, green, red and gold?
The word "culture" can match this shade of silver right here if you can do that. A a tiny bit brighter than what you currently have but not too bright.
Just a very very small amount more shadowing around the edges though. Actually not quite as much as #170, but literally a tiny bit more. So my final thoughts are that, tiny bit shorter tips going outward, and make the text a bit more smooth. The word Culture could be a bit lighter too, it can match the lightest point on the silver side where I have it marked for you.
Just a tiny bit more shorter on the outward tips. And a bit smoother lighting on the text. Almost there haha sorry I’m being a little difficult but after that, just the other colors.
So close to being done! I think if you made the lighting a bit smoother on “culture” by a tiny tiny bit but still matching and the tips going outward a tiny bit shorter it would be perfect. The black outline is good to make the text pop but just an hair thinner around it. And then if I could just see those other colors! Looks great
Thanks! I’ll try to keep the revisions to a minimum now and get something here soon but I do have one more idea. I actually like the shadowing better on the previous ones so if you can add that back that would be great. And then if you could make the edges a bit thinner and put “Cage Culture” inside of it on top of the cage material. I think that could look awesome. Not as one line though, have Cage on top of culture but have them the same length. And also if you could just shorten the outward tips. Then I do want to try a few colors instead of the orange. I kind of want to see how these colors would look: Red, dark blue, green and gold. Keep the silver side though I like that. Those colors would just replace the orange. I think after that it will be probably good to go
The width on the points is actually solid on this one I think after looking at it again. I think just fixing that small area of the shadowing and that's it for the overall design!
One last thing as well, if you could make the shadowing along this area the same as the rest of it. I feel like it looks a bit more shadowed around here than the rest of it
Yeah if the edges could be a tad thinner though. Just a small amount. And a little less wide at the base of the outer points. I may sound a bit confusing but it's hard to properly describe it using words only haha.
Very good I like it a lot. I do have a couple more small details to try and get it perfect though. Can you try to make the orange and silver edges a tiny tiny bit skinnier again, also making the points that are going outwards a little less wide at the base.
Sorry about that. I deleted it. There are a few people that made ones very similar who are trying to get a better idea of what is in my head as well. If you could go back to where the length on all sides is the same and instead of having a sharp point on the ends can you make it look like more of a slash going through? Poking out a bit outwards and poking inwards a very small amount.
My sketch may be a bit off. Perfect slant, but can you bring it back to the shape of all the rest. This one is more of an oval shape I didn't mean to draw it like that. Also, the points are a bit to triangle shape. If it could be much thinner and less triangle shaped tips that would be great. And also less of a gap between the orange and silver edges
Looking at the sketch I just uploaded, it would be great if you could have the cuts more at a slant, leave less of a gap between the cuts and make it like it's going through it. More poking out than in. Just poking inward a tiny bit and the length on poking out is pretty good on this one.
This is almost there! Just a few more minor things and I think it's going to be just right. Adding a sketch i just drew to the contest images for references
I'm adding a simple sketch to the images of the contest for inspiration that I just drew so you can get a better look of what I mean. The drawing isn't great but for reference. Keep this same style though I love this style you have.
Can you make the text very small to where its almost as long as the icon, and then can you make the cage texture in the middle a tiny bit smaller or "zoomed out" i guess you could say
Actually you don't need to do that if you haven't started it already. Instead, I was thinking of what if you still made the octagon "C" edges a tiny tiny bit thinner to where there is a tiny bit more cage texture showing, and shifted the points a little. Don't shift the octagon shape but maybe have the orange end tip shifted to the left a little and the silver to the right. Not to where the split is directly horizontal though maybe just a tad bit. Also if you can make the icon the main thing with "Cage Culture" as one line underneath it
Still thinking of more ideas to look at and I was thinking if you could make the icon the main thing but maybe make the "C" edges a tiny bit thinner and somehow fit "cage culture" inside of it on top of the cage material. Just want to get an idea of what that would look like. So far you're work has been phenomenal!
This one Is nice, I think I like this one better than the one without the cage material but It makes the text kinda hard to read. If there was a way to make the text pop more while keeping it the same colors that they already are that would be cool
Do you mind turning this one counterclockwise a bit to where the orange and silver points are straight up and down? And I like this font better but do you mind changing it again just so i can get another look?
Maybe try having those pointy tips poking out a tiny tiny bit less. Also, I really like that orange color, but maybe try a tiny bit more towards the gold side. Just a smidge if that's possible.
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The base tip is narrower, and the shade is lighter
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