Getting close. "CONSULT| | CONCEIVE | CREATE" should be white. Middle line on "3" on the top logo to be orange, like the other layout you just sent. Let's try the top and bottom of the "C" on the top logo to get squared off (No angle) with a blue square or rectangle between them so it looks more like a "C".
If I could see a combination of these. I like the gray font for "& DESIGN". The blue font for "C3 ARCHITECTURE" should probably be more solid blue instead of a fade. On tag line, you have a "V" at the beginning that doesn't belong. Maybe tag line in white. I liked the middle line on the right side of the logo in orange, as on the other layout. On the front part of the logo, truncate the bottom line so that the long line goes to the bottom left corner, as if you were mitering a piece of trim. I also think that some square or polygon on the left side of the"C" might look nice, but I'm not sure.
Love the concept here. Would like to see "& DESIGN" justified left and same font as "C3 ARCHITECTURE". Add tag line justified right in white and same font as "& DESIGN". On graphic, make front face a bit more of a "C". Add a splash of orange somewhere. Very cool design.
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