My CEO isn't in love with the other image you created currently ranked number 1. He keeps asking about this one. Can you make revisions I recommended please
Please use the same blue you have on the original image and utilize the original layout also so that it is in square format instead of rectangle. Also can you make the glowing slightly more powerful in another image.
This will be considered in the finals if you make the revisions discussed above. each puzzle piece will look like a human if you make a cutout on both sides.
This one is being very well received. Could you please put it on a White background for us to see how it would look on our landing page. Also as mentioned You could make the technololgy word blue and powered by humans words grey. Thanks
This one is pretty badass! Thank you for taking direction well and doing fast turn around. I will audition this one and the yellow. Only notes on this one would be that technology should be one color and powered by humans another color.
Not in love with the colors. Lets only explore Cerulean or Azure blue, a complimentary yellow and grey for the primary palette. Unless you are doing monochromatic which you did an awesome job of on your other version of this image.
This is really cool also. I love the 3 shades of white grey and black. The center looks black and foreboding though. What if it glowed yellow or blue from the inside like the briefcase in pulp fiction? This way it looks like what is inside C2S is really desirable rather than dark and scary. Also given the company is called C2S technology it makes more sense if technology is one color and powered by humans is another. Great work so far on this idea.
It's an original concept. It might get stronger if both sides of the pieces had a notch and the other piece fitting into it. This would create the effect that each side of the cube was a puzzle piece that looked like a person. They would have head but arms and legs on the opposite side as well to complete the effect. Nice work so far with the idea though.
This one is better than the other like it. It feels a little cold and mechanical. Definitely conveys modern and technology but the heart is missing from it.
Interesting concept. I like the lines. Visually it is striking but my concern is that it looks like an athletic brand or the logo for a soccer team or something. Very cool but does it say technology? Not convinced on that. Good work none the less though.
This concept could be powerful if you made it more like the batman signal flashed from the high power light. Like when you see our logo it is a call to action and super humans show up to do the job. Interesting concept that needs some finessing but a good idea.
Of this exploration I like the C and S connected this way best vs. having the S bottom come up. Perhaps a change in colors between c and s would help make it pop more?
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