These are very modern & bold designs! I like the pose of the figure on both of these entries (#48 & #47) -- the way it seems to be reaching out to touch the client is very cool. From a printing production background standpoint, I like #48 over #47 in that, depending in what printers are used, and their equipment, some designs with the shoadows lose their crispness when reproduced, especially if it's used in a very small area, such as a business card. However, I do like the horizontal logo (#47) over the vertical logo (#48) in that it doesn't take up as much room on the business card, thus you can get all of your contact information on there easier. Thank you for your entries!!!
I like how you revised #47 to get to #87 & #88. They're both much cleaner designs, and will reproduce well in print, no matter what size they are. I like the figure in #88 a little better than the one in #87. I like the way it's very obvious that it's reaching out a helping hand. However, I also like the way you used the figure to separate the black from the red in #87. They both have great elements, which makes it difficult to decide which one of them I like better. Good job!
Thank you for your entries! I greatly appreciate your time and hard work.
Please do not remove any logos for the next 48 hours as I am going back in and evaluating all submitted designs for a final ranking. i will then submit final comments.