My submission for your review. I've taken into consideration the requirements for;readability, if you plan on placing the logo on sides of trucks and vans then it needs to readable immediately, this also applies to any other from or reproduction. A busy or complicated design takes to long to comprehend.
I like the way you incorporated the hammer and brush, into the C&M.
Here is part of the statement we posted on our page: "Please keep the vertical height of the logo limited because it is going into the web page. If it’s too tall it will push the navigation bar too far down the page".
Design #37 is 153px x 100px, for your website I'd go no smaller, reason being is your company and service is visual small header/logo areas usually found on banks sites, or other similar type sites. the design can be easily sized but is my professional input that say min 100px for your brand...ideally If I were doing the site I'd probs max out at 150px
Design #37 is 180px x 75px personally I prefer the design without a roof, because it add no value the letter mark is cool and customized for your brand.
The size of # 37, and #38, are good, while #36, is too tall for the webpage.
I like the M, as the top of the brush (36), but it loses some effect as the side of the brush (37,38). I know there was more room to face the brush the right way, on #36, but is there something you can do to make that look better, on the smaller ones?