dooz -- There is really nothing else to say, as you can tell I like your designs. These latest entries (#139, #141, #142) are no exception. I'll just add them at the top of the list with the rest. Thanks again.:)
I am glad you like my designs, #139 and #141 are the same internet connection dropped but system picked it up twice..#144 and #143 new idea any feedback or thoughts as always are welcome and appreciated.
#143 and #144 are very sophisticated. Not only are you a good study of the competition to see what they've brought to the table, you studied my profile and delivered on all criteria. I appreciated your willingness to try and improve on your designs. All of them present very well. Thanks much.
In reviewing your designs, I just realized that the word "management" is missing an "e" in 6 of the designs. Also, if likes like #141 is a duplicate of #139. Please fix. :)
I apologize for the typos, I will not be able to get them done today due to that I will be away for the rest of this weekend but will upload correction Sunday evening or Monday morning. I appreciate all your comments and feedback
Oz -- I have moved some of your designs to another location. Please don't withdrawn any of your designs. They will be looked at more closely during judging. Thank you and I truly appreciate your participating in my contest. :)