looks pretty, thanks. i like #33 most. still it just doesn't ring the bell, i can't tell why. What I am really looking for is relevance and sync to our field of business, key benefits, shape and sound of the name, etc. well, if I knew how to do it, I would probably design a logo myself :)
in #33 i really like the typeface and kerning and the way the word looks, perhap i would make it just a bit lighter. orange bar is OK, and the more i look at it the more i like it. i would just suggest to experiment more with abstract marks interwoven with the word mark, maybe add a creative background/padding
#82 looks good. but the same story here. an abstract mark looks too abstract :). imho a good logo should induce multi-layered associations. it should also be graphically attractive enough for people to be happy to keep it on their Windows desktops, or mobile main screens.