BuyerMindsLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / BuyerMinds

BuyerMinds has selected their winning logo design.

For $575 they received 240 designs from 28 different designers from around the world.
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Prefers others.
Prefers others.
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Prefers others.
Prefers others.
Prefers others.
Prefers others.


I would like to see some verisons on your entry 16. Maybe don't use the CAP font so the usage of the head becomes more subtle?
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Will be submitting soon.
Thanks for the feedback.
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Oops, the contest now is in Top 5 mode. Only the top 5 designers will be able to submit entries.
12 years ago
oh are you not in tOP 5? that's a pity

we like the psy sign, would love to see more variants, different fonts (littebit bolder)

12 years ago
Hi Nong,

you are our number one and will likely become our winner. So in this stage we want to comment and feedback only with you to come to the best variation of the logo of our choice. Here is the final brief:

we like the idea of the sign Psy. That'swhy we chose you. We don't want no other icons or stuff. We just want a word logo where the Buyer y is the psy sign.

BUT we haven't seen the best one for us yet. So here is our comments that should take it to the last stage.

-it needs to be more corporate. It's still too funny, hip, kiddy. We sit with board members of big companies and the logo should appeal to this high players.
-the psy sign itself can be more subtle
-the logo in total can be more robust, thicker, bold and strong. But not in hip and rounded fonts
-The word Minds is the most important one. But don't make it out of balance. We prefer the word Minds to be in orange. Maybe you can play around with bold/not bold
-please keep in mind that the logo should also work when we use it in grey/black and white tones
- Fonttype: corporate, Appeal to board-level, for example try and play with serif fonts. But not thin and not playfull
-Only the B from Buyer and M from Minds in CAPS. the rest is small.
-Also the pay-off or underlining only in small font and don't color the pay off ''persuasion design'' keep it black or grey. And use a corporate font here too.
-About the Psy sign: not too agressive. Becaus enot everybody will see the link with psychology and for those people it can seem like a very aggressive weapon of some kind. So not to sharp not too weaponery. More subtle. The sign should not scare people with something develish.
- Psyteken in de "y". Uitvoering niet-aggressief: dus geen scherpe punt. Niet te opvallend, maar subtiel. Reden is dat niet iedereen het teken 'psy' kent en dat we board-level niet willen afschrikken met iets engs of duivels.

So please Nong don't let us down and prove us that chosing you was the right thing!!

greetz Olaf
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Thanks. Will do my best.
12 years ago
Hi Nong,

not quite there yet. The PSY sign cannnot come to look like a fork or tuning fork. It should still be recognisable as the PSY. Next to that we don't think the rihght font is there yet. What we did is take a look at your winning designs and there is a lot of stuff there that has the corporate feel we also want. I will mention them here so maybe that is handy for you as a reference. We think good corporate logo's you designed are:
Fairway Group
Patrick Thomas
Carter Chase

Please help us give our logo this corporate feel too. Maybe the colors orange and blue make it hard, but you could next to these also introduce black for example or dark grey. Just a suggestion not a must.

gr Olaf
12 years ago
Logo Designer
No problem. Working on it.
12 years ago
maybe this also helps, I found a reference for a psi sign. Not saying that this should be the one, but maybe in one of your next design you can try this psi sign or something a like. I like it because it's not so archaic and it also reminds of a bullshead wich means power and strenght. But don't only copy, it's just a reference to try in one of the next proposals. I don't know if it goes well with the corporate fonts though.

gr Olaf
12 years ago
Logo Designer
could you please give me the link?
12 years ago
Ah Nong, now we feel we are getting somewhere. We have changed to 226. We would like to see some variations on this new logo:

-we lieke the font but would like to see some others, more original and also some serif fonts
-we like it best if the font has an M where all 3 legs of the M touch the ground, so also the middle one
-we like black already better then blue, but could you try some shades, maybe grey? Black could be a little too manly and aggressive
-try play with this psi sign a bit. Maybe a little perspective like the example?
-And another logo maybe try to place the middle stripe a liitle out of the middle to the right. Maybe it becomes more of an Y then and not a tri-pod

if we can see some variations like described (not all put in one version, but different ones to see teh effect) we will be very close to the end I guess.

gr Olaf
12 years ago
very good the 234. We are discussing this weekend. No time to come together with the partners now.
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Thanks Olaf.
Have a great weekend.
12 years ago
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