I really like the look of this - I like that I could use the image on its own, that it can stand on its own on a business card, etc., as well as with the text.
The blue could be a little darker, though - more navy, less royal.
I don't like the gradient colors - in either the font or the image. Also, I think I would like it better if the house was all blue, and a little darker navy, then the trees the darker green and the urban buildings the lighter green.
For the Maura Neill, REALTOR font - I don't like the font in #37. And I think perhaps it should not be in italics in any of them.
Also, if you would like to play around with the other color options I mentioned in the brief: "Definitely vibrant shades of green, such as lime or kelly, but NO neon. Paired with EITHER browns, greys, or I especially like greens with navy blue, but a very muted and/or dark navy (no royal, no primary - a blue with lots of grey in it) - think Vera Bradley navy paired with shades of green."
WOW! Thank you so much for your revisions. Here are a couple of short notes:
I like the image in #39 but the text placement (to the right) in #40.
Can you please put Buy Sell Live all on one line, with Atlanta underneath it on the second line? I'd like to see Atlanta be the same width as the Buy Sell Live. Then Maura Neill, REALTOR on the third line - I like how you have all three sets of words in different colors.
Can you ALSO make a version of that revision with the navy blue replaced by a pewter grey and one other version with the navy blue replaced by a rich chocolate brown, just to see how the colors change the look of the logo?
Three hours left for the Open Period - was hoping I'd see some small revisions from you, based on my last comments! Let me know if you can get them in!