I really like the overall composition. I'm not a huge fan of the font for either the Buti or Yoga though. Could you try working with a more modern all caps font for Buti and choosing a different handwriting script for yoga?
We feel like we are close to a final version we really like... Can you please make the following edits to the logo within the next 24hrs so that we can select a winner before the contest is over.
1) Thicker font for "Yoga" 2) Get rid of gold circle 3) Incorporate the tribal pattern into the "BUTI" bold font instead of it just being an external feature
We feel like we are close to a final version we really like... Can you please make the following edits to the logo within the next 24hrs so that we can select a winner before the contest is over.
1) Thicker font for "Yoga" 2) Get rid of gold circle 3) Incorporate the tribal pattern into the "BUTI" bold font instead of it just being an external feature
I just woke up . yes I can , and please let me show you some variation of this design .
"Incorporate the tribal pattern into the "BUTI" bold font instead of it just being an external feature" let me know , is that mean to move the tribal pattern into BUTI ? same as the pattern in #24 for B ?