I like the font on #4, with the * reminds me of Bewitched. I don't like the apron so much, especially with the duster. I hate housework & personally I hire it out myself. The little curls & swirls are definately me, they factor into alot of my personal artwork. The wink, the smile & the magic wand are all part of my personal toolbox. #3 I could see on my website, also looks like something to use as a "sticker" for giftbags. #2 I could see translating to uniform shirts & grocery bags. I'm going to need something to translate to a postcard type mailer.
Yes, I recognized that on the colors.I like the swirly box with hearts on #9, am stil being drawn to font on 10. Can I see the bees in 9 & 10 in the darker honey color like in the background of #3?
Anna, I'm really liking #24 & #25! The curl on the forehead, the crown & the diamond necklace are me! Well maybe not the diamonds, I'm more of a vintage crystal necklace kind of girl.
Don't make these changes yet, but I prefer "HoneyDo" over "Honey Can Do" and I think I like the slogan underneath, like in 24, rather than by the face, and maybe the swirley, at the bottom in #25, in the same place on #24.
I'm not going to move those up in the ratings yet, so as to not discourage other submissions, but you are at the top of my list now. I'm interested in other ideas for the future...
Hi Anna, my sister & best friend don't like the wand, and both prefer the script style lettering. Maybe you can make a version of #50 without wand & with script. And if its not breaking the rules add a shopping bag, they like that.
k about the shopping bag, thought it might be ok, because the contest holder guidelines for posting say "Concepts that are considered obvious will also be fair game, for example: a dog & cat for a pet hospital, shopping bag for an e-commerce company, a tooth for a dentist, initials for a lawyer, etc."
I'm headed to bed now, will check back in the morning before I head to work.
I know B, but since this is a design competition, we try to make logos that are unique and different from each other, at least the more ethical of us do.
I made her with a purse on her arm, I think it's different and unique in its own right. What do you think? I also think you do more than just shopping? per your description Or are you a personal shopper?
From the beginning it has been between your and Rapunzel's design. If I could only pick 1 you would be the winner because I like your bee better. I have contacted the site owners and they have agreed that I can contact both of you to collaborate on the design. You will get the full winner's prize, but I will be offering a prize to Rapunzel if she agrees to use her list & her coloring.
If you agree to this arrangement ( I will not contact Rapunzel until I hear back from you.) I would like the following changes to your design.
1. remove the crown from the bee's head. 2. remove the wand from the bee's hand (it will be replaced by list) 3. make "Honey Do" "HoneyDo"
I was thinking to make the list long, it would have a scroll at the end. Unless you wanted to keep it the same as Repunzel's (assuming you reach a deal with her).
Good luck, she is a wonderful person and designer, so I am sure she will be responsive.
I would ask Pam what she preferrs. If it were me I would probably prefer to work directly. You can just paypal her the funds and I will ask her for the list graphic. Assuming it's cool with LT Admin.
Another option is, you can select the bee as is (without the list), we can wrap the project here, it will take a couple of hours. You can pay directly to Pam. Since she has already given me the list art, after the payment goes through, I will send you the revised bee with a list. It will all be done today.
Or we can wait for admin, not sure why it takes them so long, I appologize for that.
We can do it that way. Just didn't want them to get pissed at you or Pam. I'm ready to roll with my logo and want to move on to getting my web site started.
Sorry to keep you hanging all day. The logo looks great. I think we are done. If I click End Contest Early button with your design in the #1 spot, will that make you the winner now?
I just looked at the .jpg's. My bee is so cute! One minor thing, when you look at the large .jpg, you notice that the pink cheek oval overlaps the white of the open eye. Can you fix that?
Also, The body hilight, which is the softer one in the middle of the body doesn't line up right, the arm on the left is not connected to the body, and the at the tail end of the body, you can see the Honey color because it has a different shape than the black.
Sorry to be so picky, just don't want to blow it up for something large & have them make it look odd.
I just tried again and the download worked. The logo looks perfect, I"m going to approve now so you will get paid.
Thanks for all your hard work, I've been getting positive responses from it already from those I have shown it to. If I need anything else, can I contact you through your web site?