I like the symbol on the O, any other suggestions for the symbol. Also wanted it predominantly earthy orange. And maybe Business Peace of Mind underneath as it it quite long
Thank you for your feedback. First I apologize for the delay in uploading the design improvements. I've uploaded tegline under "BPOP" and the color orange, Precious to me if you feedback again
Thank you for your adjustments. I quite like#30 although could you please make the following adjustments: - make the orange a gradient similar to #18 - slightly increase the kerning (spacing between the letters) BPOM and tagline - maybe some other type of abstract symbol in the letter O don't really like the target!
Thank you for your adjustments. I quite like#30 although could you please make the following adjustments: - make the orange a gradient similar to #18 - slightly increase the kerning (spacing between the letters) BPOM and tagline - maybe some other type of abstract symbol in the letter O don't really like the target!