Hello, I really like this design. Would like to see some variations that incorporate the color red into the picture. Perhaps the star at the end of the swoosh could be red? Also, the business name is Business Information Solutions (s at the end). Great work - thanks!!
Hello, Still loving this design. I personally like #62 the best but the rest of the team likes 63. Are there any other shapes you can do this with? The concept is great, would just like to see if there are any other shape options other than diamond. Thanks a lot!
132 133 157 160 Would it be possible to remove the gradiant from 1 or more of these? Only asking because on mechandising and shirts it will be impossible to recreate the gradiants so would be nice to see how that would look. Thank you, they are terrific.
#133: can you please provide a version with Business Information Solutions in grey? Also, can you please provide a new version that has Business Information Solutions to the right of the diamond rather than below? Thanks!
On 133, could you change the text from "Business Information Solutions" to "Consulting Group"? Also, for Consulting Group make it in grey and NOT bolded or maybe blue or red but not in bold? We don't want the "Consulting Group" text to stand out too much but we do want it to appear in the logo. We are not sure if it will look better UNDER the BIS diamond or to the RIGHT of the diamond either. Thanks very much for all your help. Many people love your design.