# 12, Zdravo, -- I love the bull, bear is good but less defined than bull. Could you add definition to bear, and turn bear so that the angle matches the angle of Bull? (Like if you drew a "V" and the L inside of V would lay across bulls R face, and R inside of V would lay across the L side of Bear?) (Bulls and bears are opposite forces in the stock market, the icons should be opposite each other.)
-- I am selling old stock certificates so I am trying to get a classic look. The most important thing is to be able to clearly read it (for older people with bifocals), but is there another font that might look more classic or old, say ~1930 or so?
#9 - I like bull and bear, but prefer your graphic in #12. Hvala.
#41 This is more of a classic look, but if you were old and needed bifocals (like me) you would find its a bit hard to read. You can read it, but it take a while to figure out what is going on with the graphics and text (horn in the way, and "Art" difficult to read. Thanks for your work and your design.