Also, you have done a logo for "Assure Cosmetic" I like the squarish/rectanglish enclosure around the lettering. could you do a version of your #25 in something like that.
Very cool. On #83 & #82 can you try making the grain/texture more like picture IMG_7154 I just uploaded. I just uploaded 2 new pictures of some more detail.
I uploaded an example of the type of texture I'd like to have the "b" cut out of, so to speak. But is like to see one like #92, with out the mark in the middle of the "b", but instead, just the texture.
Can you do #108 without the letter being cut off. meaning the whole "b" inside of the circle and then making the "uku" the same color as the color that is filling in the circle.
I like your style. Could you look at some of the other designs I have ranked and put your own spin on it. #6 is suppose to be trying to incorporate the location dot from the iphone maps into it. Same with the location arroW.
How about something nice and modern with something that says "analytics" meaning (very calculated, smart, automated" graphs, statistics. stuff like that.
2 questions. 1) the image that i'm seeing is that how it will look with the files given to me? and 2) is there anyway you could do a version that looks like the "Dune" image I uploaded?
ok great to know. I actually really like that. lets put some more colors up there. blue and green. (Same blue as in #214 and then a couple different greens.)