#19 I would love to see a few changes to this. 1. could you remove the "B"s from the icon 2. do one version with white in the middle and one with what would look like the center of a speaker (like the speaker cone http://images.kenwood.eu/files/image/1205/8/original/KFC-E1752C_f.jpg ) With the speaker cone being blacks and greys 3. could you make the font chunkier (check entry #21 and #16, currently ranked 1 and 3 respectively for fonts we like) 4. Could you make the fonts mixed-case BuDLoKs - I like the red/black font colors
We are fairly certain that we are going to select you as our winning designer. I have a few questions as well as as two modifications.
Modify: Please make BuD black and LoKs red for now. Please take out the small "B" near the top of the icon.
Questions: Will you be available after the contest to do additional work? We are going to need to create product packaging and would like you involved. We also have another logo that we would like you to enhance with your gradients and textures. In the final versions, along with the logo as you have presented it can you also have the icon alone and the text alone, as well as the variations that LogoTournament suggests (black and white, solid background, white background, etc.)?