Just gave final approval... When you get a chance, can you please send over the following changes... Bolder/heavier font for the "FINANCIAL GROUP, LLC", please make the line a little heavier also. If there is a way to make the graphic slightly narrower?
YAP , no problem , just upload a final files , after you approved files here on LT , we can be in contact by mail , and i will send you files by mail. Regards. My mail is frontiereman@gmail.com
Now that we have selected you as the winner, how do we ask for revisions on your logos? We would like a few MINOR changes. Possibly make the Financial Group portion a little more bold. the line a little thicker?
the space between the "B" and the "R" is too large. I like the middle of the logo on this one. Can you show the blue in CMYK colors: 100/64/0/60, 100/72/0/32, 100/38/0/64?
I like the Financial group under the design and letters. However, it seems too spread out. Can you tighten it up a bit? Similar to 231, except with eh Financial Group under the design.
Can you possibly do this in a dark blue instead? Keep the grey - thought possibly a little darker. A line under the lettering would be appreciated too.
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