Ok. I'm going to choose This design as the winner. But when you send the files, in would like it with both a dark and white background, and with the text this way and the original way (Browards and barstaff in gold with Best in blue, as well as Broward and Falstaff in blue, and Best in gold. Thank you.
My initial reaction to this was to think its from the 1950s. It would also make a great neon sign I think! liked that
I'd like to see the Drinking glass in the same color as "Best" please, and maybe that color should be a darker gold. That looks orange to me now..
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thanks and warm regards.
1. Please reverse the colors (blue for gold and gold for blue.
2. Please add small icons for facebook and instagram at the top left.
Please resubmit with these changes on both a white and black background. Thank you
I'd like to see the Drinking glass in the same color as "Best" please, and maybe that color should be a darker gold. That looks orange to me now..