Entry #27 is the most beautiful and striking entry so far, so please leave the original. However, since we don't have any trees of that color, could you do one where the leaves are dark green? Also, could you move the "stream" to the foreground, and make "springs" a darker blue?
of course... I grew up in North Dallas.. remember the redbud trees near Turtle Creek that we made special trips to see when they were in bloom ... so that was why I did that color... I will modify it for you. I also remember many magnolia trees and of course the mocking birds was what I thought of in #28. - but Dallas has changed since I left in the 60's (I went to Hillcrest High School) thanks for the ranking and feedback.
I would be happy to make those changes but only the #1 ranked designer can upload entry changes in Judging mode. sorry I was not awake at 2:25 am to respond!!!!