Here is the initial design idea that I cooked up for your seniors. I am pushing 28, but I still remember my final year of what I like to call the AwesomeYears™ ;)
Anyway, here is my first design in two colors (#5 & #6), just in case the girls would want their own color. However, I tried to incorporate elements that would appeal to both girls and boys, without it leaning too far towards either direction. I think overall, it would strengthen the effect of the shirts if both sexes wore the school colors, but that is totally up to them, of course!
I will see what else I can come up with, but feel free to comment on these in the meantime. Thanks!
It is both a "B" (similar to the logo on your football helmets) and it is also a "13"! I will see how else I can incorporate this into a fuller design as well :)
Thankyou for your designs. These are very nice. More traditional than I was hoping for. Perhaps something with more contemporary lettering. Perhaps using the bronco in a graphic. Not looking for this to be like the high school football team. Looking for a word that is current that might be catchy. Something like seniors rule (this is overdone now) but something that conveys that they are at the top of the heap. Could simply say Senior on the front and a simple logo incorporating the bronco on the back. Needs to have more of an urban look.
#11, Here is a possible slogan that I think you will find resonates with them if you run it by them... "LIKE A BOSS" where the "B" doubles as a "13". So, then on the back you could potentially just have the hybrid B/13 up high below the collar, like an emblem of sorts.
I think you should consider running all of the designs by a bunch of the actual Seniors before making your decision. Otherwise, I am afraid this contest could turn out to be a waste of time and money if they don't absolutely love the final product. Just my opinion though. If they put you in charge, then by all means, do things however you wish.