Hello, my concept for the logo. it's multi-family apartment building, with classic and elegant style. #15 is the logo in horizontal format. #16 with alternative more compact writing style. #17 is the vertical style format #18 is to show you the logo in solid color/non gradient. useful if you want to print in tshirt for example. #19 #20 is the logo in black and white/ and reverse black white. and it's still look stunning ;)
Your designs are our favorite so far. We prefer just one color other than black,white and gray. Also if the building could look like a more substantial apartment building.
using one color other than black, gray and white,.. update on #31 #28 #29 #30 is another model of the multi family apartement building as i modelled from this picture: http://myccknowledge.com/images/myflushing3.jpg (i take from google "multi family apartment)
"Also if the building could look like a more substantial apartment building." can you suggest the picture i can model from? thanks