No, dont like this color. Can you change it. Also Can you make the tree a little different since the one I showed in my uploaded sample is of some other institute.
Can you do teh text in Navy Blue color as well ? Also add another example with Brightmind - Navy Blue and Academy - in a complementary color like Grey or some other color ?
I like the overall structure of this logo, but the tree is compressed from the top. IF fitting a tree is not forming a cohesive logo, then could we try using some form of a digital / abstract image of a 'pine' ?
really like this. But can you draw the tree in a slightly different way, or some other unique representation for the tree? since it is exactly the same as a copy of my uploaded reference picture and it is from some other school.
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1) variation in color of "Academy". May be Golden shade or some other color that compliments Navy blue color for "Brightmind"
2) any other color variation for the graphic image ?
please check;
i have sent revised designs #186,#187,#188.
please check;