I like entry #19 with the hearts, but I would like the hearts to stand out more. I like the wording colors for entry #17, but can the colors be flipped - bright heart in purple, yoga studio with fading yellow to orange. Thanks!
For entry #29, can the BH in the center be removed? For #29 and #30 can Yoga Studio be changed to the same color as Bright Heart and Bright Heart not be all capitalized? For entry #30, can the purple outline be changed to something not 3D? Also, for entry #30 can the purple outlined edges be softer instead of sharp? Thank you so much - these are looking so awesome!
For entry #31 and #32 can you darken the lettering for yoga studio so it can be seen clearly? Also, #31 and #32, can bright heart look simpler/cleaner? For #32 can the spacing on the bottom lotus leaves to the second ones be less - maybe a fuller second leaf? Thank you so much!
For #51 can you make the heart thinner like in #31? Also, the lettering is getting closer - I like that it is bolder, but can the winging on the letters be removed? Thanks so much!
For #52 I was wondering if you could try some different variations. For example, making the lotus the same color as bright in #135, making the lotus just an outline instead of shaded in, and drop the sun in the center of the heart. Thanks for your designs!
Thanks for the variations. I think what would help to align your top designs with my vision is a sense of messiness or imperfection. What I love about yoga is that I can be myself unapologetically and be messy and not make an excuse for being messy (#135 and #170). Also, for #170 can you flip the lotus color to orange and the heart color to purple? Thanks for your hard work!