Here you have an icon that fits your description. I tried to make a "b" letter in a geometric style. Could be easily applied on any surface material or metal cut.
479: Finale it's on first :-) I like the harmony og the logo and the letters. Its special! We are running out of time and oon I have to deside. Could you pleas give me this logo in dark brown back and in white back too? Apresiate if you can do this!
In the house consept there will be furniture too, and this logo is an good logo on tags for furniture too. And the B can be used alone aswell as the letters.
Here you have a dark gradiented background. Coming another couple of background color options. Emi --------- Her har du en mørk gradiented bakgrunn. Kommer et par bakgrunnsfarge alternativer. EMI
It's so nice with dark background!! Still a bit "blury/ foggy" with white background, but i guess that we can work on that after the contest if this will be the one? Could be that I would need a dirfrent colour/darker for white background like logo on print?
Hi, Yes, of course we can work on it after. No problem. Working on some color improvements for the white background version and post them in a few minutes. Emi
The same colouring as the previous white background one but on a dark background. Practically, being "goldish" it will always look better and more contrastual on a dark background. Emi
I think that user Mare got too close to my entries now. I used the concept first of placing a B in a stylish way. Please stay with the original or ask him for a complete new aproach.