This is my first entry... I'm working on something else. If you have any comments, I will adjust to your need.
I like to keep my designs simple, intelligent and clean, so the client won't have any problems with the reproduction of the logo at any size on any medium.
Thank you!
Michel Saint-Pierre (I can communicate in English or French)
...Just a little Add-on under the name. If you want to see more variations of this Logo, please be free to ask or suggest. I see you are open to other elements around the signature so I'll be back soon with more concept.
Hi! Here is a concept I just came out with... I just played with your name, by illustrating a Bridge but also a Hill... It's like the bridge is right in front of you, ready for you to walk on it. It gives a sense to the image....
Thanks a lot for the Pole position, I won't sit on that... so if you have any suggestions or modifications, please feel free.
.... I'm no architect, but I tried to design a contemporary style of house. If you have any photo where I can see the entire house it would help to me to design a simplified version. Thanks again !
Thanks a lot for your work!! My thinking: Make the letters in "Signature homes" wery elegant handwriting, long and soft with an longer ending (dont know if i explain my selfe bad here). Also try to make an elegant 2-3 lines ogf the silhuett of a corner of an flat roof house as an icon. See what you can do.
Re.: 82 Can you ceep colours an letters as it is in 82, and adopt signature homes even more hndwriting look than 294? See what you can do. I like your color and letters in Bridgehill.
Glad you like it... Ok, here is the Dark Brown version. Beware, even for cold countries like ours, this logo is ...... tttssssssssssss... HOT. ; ) seriously, very classy and stand alone perfectly.
Hi, this time I played with the letter "b"... sometimes very subtle but I tried to keep the logo as simple as possible. If you want to see some variations, please ask.