About 286: I like your thinking about this. But somehow it looks like a corner of a TV.. :-) Could you try somthing really simple. Corner of a flat roof house? See if you can do somthing that matches the rest. ALso possible to do somthing with B as a icon (not BH). I'am also open minded for some advise from you.
Oaooo!!! I so totally like your work!! I will look more tomorrow morning and give you feedback. Thanks a lot! Witch one of your work here do you like best your self? Can you choose one of them and give it colours like 344 or simular? It's so mutch good to choose between so I could need some guidlines here. All you do is exstreem good!! It is you and two other designers there has some realy good ones now.
You have the superb best letters in the contest! The icons can stil be more in harmony with the letters. I would love some shiny easy icon that i also can make in metal laiter.
I just got up and im ready to work. My favorite is #357 cause its moder clean and compact and its clearly says what you do. I just need to go for some milk and im back in 5 minutes.
My comment with my mail is removed so i guess we cant communicate via e mail. Why don't you upload your scatch in the contest brief area, the place where you have uploaded the pictures for inspiration?
The wording that you like so much is a base of my design, hope you will not ask from other designers to make it like i did cause its against the rules of LT like it says on the bottom and its make me feel used up :( The more feedback you give me on my designs the closer i am to what you need. Your english is not bad so give me all you've got.
Thank's a lot!! I will look and look and look to makes shore i pick the right ones. It's hard to explain by words what i'am thinking. Therefore i did somtimes referd to other designers.
I will give you comments as i have them. You are good! :-)
468 is showing creative building, have style and is uniqe, and in harmobi with the letters. 344 is also one I like more and more. He/she made it in difrent colors and it looks goos in all. Can you do simular with this one? We are not talking about copy, buth about looking at the logo and how it will work i difrent settings.
Thank you for the feedback. I'm glad you like #468 its probably the best i have ever made. Clean modern and dynamic in the same time. I like the idea of a nest, will do some versions and post it soon. Also in diferent colors.
496 is really beutiful!! but it's to feminin for the consept. A lot og the logoes coming in now are very nice made, but to feminin. I need to find the balance between elegant and feminin. :-)