I would like the nuckles to not look so cookie cutterish. I would like to see this design in an all black without the red too. Maybe add like a spray paint stencil look..
for #83 can you make the red more of a redish color, it seems a little orangy. We like our #1 ranked logo because it looks 3D and it makes it pop. If there is anyway to incorporate a 3D look in any of your top logos that would be great.
Hi, of course I can try that, but since your contest is already in judging mode, only the first place designer can still submit revision. I'm on the third spot now, so I couldn't submit any revision anymore. Please note that you can still always switch the ranking whenever you want. Please put me back to the first place so I can submit the revision for you.
Hi, of course I can try that, but since your contest is already in judging mode, only the first place designer can still submit revision. I'm on the third spot now, so I couldn't submit any revision anymore. Please note that you can still always switch the ranking whenever you want. Please put me back to the first place so I can submit the revision for you.
I like the 3d look of #98. Can you show me that version in all silver and another version with the "Breakthrough MMA" in an brighter color red that sticks out more? I'd also like to see how it would look if you added some texture to the knuckles to roughen them up a little.