Brazil Pants, LLCLogo Design Contest Logo Design Contest Contests / Brazil Pants, LLC Brazil Pants, LLC has selected their winning logo design. For $275 they received 170 designs from 19 different designers from around the world. Find out how LogoTournament works How LogoTournament works Contest Annotation Delete We are sorry, but the time to edit this annotation has expired. Save Cancel Entries by Seven 9 Graphics Studio Return to Contest Return to Contest Comment Activity Order by Ranking Entry Number Comment Activity To leave a comment please click on the logo. Withdrawn 2nd 8 Withdrawn 10th 4 Withdrawn New 9 Withdrawn New Withdrawn New 7 Withdrawn New 2 Withdrawn New 2 Withdrawn New 6 Withdrawn New 1 Withdrawn New 1 Withdrawn New Withdrawn New 2 Withdrawn New 1 Withdrawn New Withdrawn New 1 Withdrawn New Withdrawn New Withdrawn New 1 Withdrawn New Withdrawn New 4 Withdrawn New Withdrawn New Withdrawn New Withdrawn Prefers others. 4 Withdrawn Prefers others. Withdrawn Prefers others. Withdrawn Prefers others. 1 Withdrawn Prefers others. 1 Withdrawn Prefers others. Withdrawn Prefers others. Withdrawn Prefers others. Withdrawn Prefers others. 2 Withdrawn Prefers others. Withdrawn Prefers others. Withdrawn Prefers others. 2 Withdrawn Prefers others. 1 Withdrawn Prefers others. 3 Comment Activity Seven 9 Graphics Studio commented on #145 Withdrawn And at the end word just a wording without fact. Very disapointed with statement before. But thank you anyway 8 years ago Seven 9 Graphics Studio commented on #168 Withdrawn Is this to skinny ? 8 years ago BrazilPants commented on #166 Withdrawn Please still less bubbly. The heart butt not so round 8 years ago Seven 9 Graphics Studio commented on #166 Withdrawn Thank you for the explanation. Here is the revision as requested. Thank you 8 years ago BrazilPants commented on #145 Withdrawn we need a revision. Its between you and one other designer. We need the butt less rounded and the bottom less pointy. We need this last revision to make our decision. 8 years ago Seven 9 Graphics Studio commented on #145 Withdrawn No need to say select me as a winner if you are not convince with what your desicion 8 years ago Seven 9 Graphics Studio commented on #145 Withdrawn I am so confuse now??? 8 years ago Seven 9 Graphics Studio commented on #145 Withdrawn Thank You, has made the revision, ready for submit, but it 2nd 8 years ago BrazilPants commented on #145 Withdrawn then we will chose you as the winner :) I would also like this in a White version 8 years ago BrazilPants commented on #145 Withdrawn Thank you can you put the tag line Fashionable Functional Fun 8 years ago Seven 9 Graphics Studio commented on #145 Withdrawn Hi, here is the revision as requested, Thank You 8 years ago Seven 9 Graphics Studio commented on #105 Withdrawn Sure, please wait for a minnute 8 years ago BrazilPants commented on #105 Withdrawn Can you add the tagline to this one? and make the tip not as pointy? 8 years ago Seven 9 Graphics Studio commented on #130 Withdrawn Hai, if you yet feel the butt right with what you need, if you have any reference to the butt (maybe from google), please let me know, and will intrepet that to the logo. Thank You 8 years ago Seven 9 Graphics Studio commented on #140 Withdrawn add some detail to look more butt, is it work ? 8 years ago Seven 9 Graphics Studio commented on #138 Withdrawn With narrower butt 8 years ago BrazilPants commented on #129 Withdrawn Hi! we need it to be clean, so we can use on clothing, small enough of a logo to emphasis a butt. Can you make a butt into another shape maybe instead of a heart, any ideas? 8 years ago BrazilPants commented on #130 Withdrawn Thank you so much Titus. We appreciate that. Can you make one more heart that is not as wide? 8 years ago BrazilPants commented on #135 Withdrawn not exactly what we are looking for What about a B or a P? 8 years ago Seven 9 Graphics Studio commented on #129 Withdrawn Can you give me a clue to other design you need? 8 years ago Seven 9 Graphics Studio commented on #129 Withdrawn Is that mean after this contest over? Or must i make new design before this contest ended? 8 years ago BrazilPants commented on #129 Withdrawn Do you have any other deaigns we can use for our decision? We need another logo that is completely different from this heart and butt logo. 8 years ago Seven 9 Graphics Studio commented on #130 Withdrawn Nothing intention to hurry the contest at all. Just sharing an information that if you want to get the logo earlyer, you can endes the contest at any time. No need to wait until 7 day selection period over. So i can provide bigger file to got more detail revision. Thank you 8 years ago Seven 9 Graphics Studio commented on #130 Withdrawn About the slogan. If you dont sure about it know, please don't worry about it. Even the contest over, i can make the logo with slogan for you. Thank you 8 years ago Seven 9 Graphics Studio commented on #130 Withdrawn what about "Cozy - Sexy - Fun" 8 years ago BrazilPants commented on #130 Withdrawn I love the sexy and fun any other word than fit? Because our women are all shapes and sizes they don't have to fit 8 years ago Seven 9 Graphics Studio commented on #130 Withdrawn Fit - Sexy - Fun 8 years ago Seven 9 Graphics Studio commented on #130 Withdrawn "Shape Your Curve" 8 years ago Seven 9 Graphics Studio commented on #130 Withdrawn How about "Hip - Cool - Fun 8 years ago BrazilPants commented on #132 Withdrawn something like functionally fashionable.. something different using those words. We want our brand to show that it is both functional and fashionable 8 years ago BrazilPants commented on #132 Withdrawn yes a new slogan please 8 years ago Seven 9 Graphics Studio commented on #132 Withdrawn Or did you mean, i propose new slogan ? 8 years ago Seven 9 Graphics Studio commented on #132 Withdrawn Pardon me for the late comment, Like this ? 8 years ago BrazilPants commented on #123 Withdrawn Can you change up the writing come up with catchy way to say functional fashionable 8 years ago Seven 9 Graphics Studio commented on #123 Withdrawn Has start submit some variation of the slogan font 8 years ago BrazilPants commented on #115 Withdrawn ok 8 years ago Seven 9 Graphics Studio commented on #115 Withdrawn Sure, will come up in short time 8 years ago BrazilPants commented on #115 Withdrawn i still think the right side of the heart needs to be a bit smaller 8 years ago BrazilPants commented on #115 Withdrawn can you come up with a better wording ex. functionally fashionable we want something catch 8 years ago BrazilPants commented on #103 Withdrawn can you come up with a better wording ex. functionally fashionable we want something catch 8 years ago Seven 9 Graphics Studio commented on #115 Withdrawn Ready to work again. Is there any further direction? 8 years ago Seven 9 Graphics Studio commented on #115 Withdrawn Hi, already in middle of night here in Indonesia. Will take a rest. Please leave any revision needed, and will work for it tommorow morning. Thank You 8 years ago Seven 9 Graphics Studio commented on #115 Withdrawn Here is with slogan, rounded tips, and neat edge line (no ribbon effect) 8 years ago Seven 9 Graphics Studio commented on #106 Withdrawn "Can you make it a little less rounded on the right side" this comment ? if yes, i already make it rounder. Is that need more rounder? 8 years ago BrazilPants commented on #106 Withdrawn Can you add our tag line Functional. Fashionable. Fun 8 years ago BrazilPants commented on #106 Withdrawn did you see the previous comment? 8 years ago Seven 9 Graphics Studio commented on #108 Withdrawn Without ribbon effect on the line 8 years ago Seven 9 Graphics Studio commented on #107 Withdrawn Here is the revision. I mirrored the left side to right. Is it still need more thinner? About the edge line, is it still need ribbon effect (thin and bold line)? or just same neat line ? 8 years ago BrazilPants commented on #106 Withdrawn Can you make it a little less rounded on the right side 8 years ago BrazilPants commented on #106 Withdrawn little less pointy at the bottom 8 years ago Seven 9 Graphics Studio commented on #106 Withdrawn Here is with thinner line 8 years ago BrazilPants commented on #105 Withdrawn Can you make the edge lines cleaner? We are looking for something a bit more rounded and thinner edges 8 years ago Seven 9 Graphics Studio commented on #105 Withdrawn Here is with original wordart 8 years ago BrazilPants commented on #103 Withdrawn Can you use our original word art and color 8 years ago Seven 9 Graphics Studio commented on #102 Withdrawn Here is as requested. by the way, i'm not clear about "and put our word art at bottom" pardon me 8 years ago BrazilPants commented on #97 Withdrawn almost there, can you make the right side of heart a same size as left side? and put our word art at bottom 8 years ago Seven 9 Graphics Studio commented on #97 Withdrawn Here is as requested, is it work ? 8 years ago BrazilPants commented on #92 Withdrawn Can you draw the line down on this image. I like this color better 8 years ago BrazilPants commented on #93 Withdrawn Can you make the left side same height as the right side of the heart. And remove the left extra curva on the left cheek side only 8 years ago Seven 9 Graphics Studio commented on #93 Withdrawn Thank you for the feedback and rank, already submit revision based on feedback. Is it correct ? will make some variation to. Thank You 8 years ago BrazilPants commented on #90 Withdrawn use our original word art for the name no green and yellow we don't want to change this 8 years ago BrazilPants commented on #90 Withdrawn and no white accent too if possible 8 years ago BrazilPants commented on #90 Withdrawn can you make this heart looks a bit more like a butt, maybe add a line connecting it to the bottom, straight line down? 8 years ago