Thanks so much for the entries. They really are great logos.
Let's try shooting for some serious simplicity. How about taking just the two leaves from #73, and having them sprout off the "BrainBasis" word. And can you try and use a font like our top ranked logos - with a bit of Serif to show sophistication and proper-cased like "BrainBasis" instead of "BRAINBASIS".
Here is a very simple logo design with the leaves as the i in Basis. I will come up with some other variations and new concepts as well that play off this one. Please let me know your thoughts.
#114 is two b shapes back to back the b shape is made out of leaves and together makes a person as an icon. Clever, I think. Let me know your thoughts. I could make the leaf shape rounder to look more like a b if you prefer... ?
Let me know if you want me to add the yellow lines above the leaves - that might really add to the design. I can upload it if you rank me #1 just to get it to you and then you can put it back to where you want it afterwards. I was going to do it and upload it but realized the contest had ended. ;0)