not exactly sure what about the graphic you want different - more direction is appreciated. I thought the cloud over the city - as reference to all the 'cloud computing' consulting that might be included in your service...
i like your log but the could is a bit big and cloud computing isn't exactly what we do. i like the thought though. By graphics i meant the blue graph thing. I just meant could we try a different concept. I like would the logo to be pretty simple and striking. Thank you. If you have any questions for me please ask.
like the second logo much better. could you make a logo that has the prudential building and the john hancock building stick out and the other building can just be made up or whatever. because when your in boston those are the only two that really stick out.
will work on this tomorrow... actually I will need to research the actual buildings. Interesting I have a client in the Prudential building - Ropes&Gray.... so I may be able to do that...