Thank you so much! These designs and variations are gorgeous! I sent the survey off to a focus group for feedback. This will probably take a couple of days to get all the surveys back. I will circle back with you in a couple of days. Thanks again:)
This is somewhat tricky... My style is mostly a "line drawing". I like the dynamic and flexibility of simple lines. So, if I do black lines on white background, it should be white lines on black background :)
It might be not exactly realistic, but still expressive and illustrative.
If I try to show more details, I need to change the stile.
Also, on this particular design I can't make her legs white because of the white text.
Thank you. Can you please do the same thing that you did with this avatar to the other logo where the avatar is centered? The one you sent is still all in black. Thanks again:)
Before I send this out for feedback I would love B&W versions of this; one with a white background and another with a black background. I'm so excited about where we are at:)
Before I send this out for feedback I would love B&W versions of this; one with a white background and another with a black background. I'm so excited about where we are at:)
Before I send this out for feedback I would love B&W versions of this; one with a white background and another with a black background. The cash, Om symbol and pink elements will still look grey/silver in the B&W version, right? I'm so excited about where we are at:)
Hi there, thanks so much for the updates. Could you please do the same thing that you did with "winning at life" as you did on the other two centered designs you sent me last night? Love what you did with "winning at life". After this update, I am going to send a survey out for feedback before any more refinements:). I hope you day is going great!
Yes, this is also looking better:). Same notes for this one. Can we lower the "Boss Bitches Winning at Life" as this may help it look even cleaner? Add a little kerning to "winning at life" and the white or grey/silver drop shadow if possible. I would like to keep some pops of hot pink also, like her shoes, lips and maybe the tip of the baby's bottle?
I like this one too now:). I was just it possible for the drop shadow to be in white or grey/silver instead of black? I think it might be helpful in the "ning" portion of the word, winning. Maybe even lower the position down a little of the words "winning at life."
Looking good:). Can we lower the "Boss Bitches Winning at Life" as this may help it look even cleaner? I would like to keep some pops of hot pink also, like her shoes, lips and maybe the tip of the baby's bottle?
I really like this but I wonder if it might improve things to lay a strip of white underneath the letters "NG" and "A" and the capital "B" in Bitches. It should be less than a millimeter of white on the bottom and top of the "NG" and "A letters. My thought is so that the words "winning at life" don't get interrupted by the lines of her legs. Not sure if I am doing a good job at explaining what I mean. I would also like to see her dress in a lighter pink, like the pink in the very first design you sent. Thank you:).
I also purchased the commercial license to the Lemon Milk Pro font as I need upper and lower case (for my website, e-books and ad copy:). I see what you mean by a lot going on with regards to putting winning at life in one line. Let's try the following:
- Version 1: Leave as it is, make "winning at life" in a slighty smaller size, maybe use a less bold version and center "at life" against "winning".
- Version 2: What would it look like if we put her over to the left of the text part of the logo and centered "winning at life" like you did in the text only example you sent today (taking into account the notes I posted on the text only example).
- With regards to the rings around the phone, can we slightly tilt the angle of the rings so it doesn't touch her hair?
- The Buddha hand is looking much better. Thank you. But it's still not too obvious that she meditates. Can we add the Om symbol (in grey/silver) above that hand and see if that might do the trick to make it obvious?
- I would also like to see the cash in grey/silver instead of green.
- Love the tail on the letter "s"!
This is really coming together now and I have asked LT how I go about moving to the finalist stage. Waiting on their response;).
I think I married to Romantically now that I purchased the font and license for commercial use, but I really like "winning at life" centered like this.
I like the look of this but I prefer the tail on the end of the word "bitches" that you did on the other two samples you sent me. Can we make "winning at life" a little smaller and see what it looks like using one of the less bold versions of Lemon Milk? Thank you:)
Good news - DaFont has all the "Lemon Milk" font options
Bad news - I think it's impossible to put "winning at life" in one line below "BossBitches" because there is too much going on in the middle...
I personally like "winning at life" on the right, It makes good balance with her handbag on the left.
I switched the Buda hand and coffee hand to place the Buda hand in the position as on the picture of your sample. Still not sure if it's ok now..
One more thing. Could you position the hand with the mobile phone closer to her ear? The very first design you sent me had the mobile phone hand in the perfect position so if would be great if you could replicate that:).
Nevermind. I think there may be a delay with our messages as your last message, "OK, I will do it, thanks" just came in. Thank you again. You are doing great!!
Hi, are you saying your not sure about the mark up or about all of the notes I sent you? I got interrupted by a visitor just after I did the mark up so my notes were sent later than I had planned. Please confirm that you understand my notes or let me know specifically what you need me to clarify. Thanks so much:)
Hello! I'm super stoked about the changes you made. It's really starting to take shape:). I absolutely LOVE the font Romantically so I am going to go ahead and make the purchase for commercial use. We can use Champagne & Limousines for now (I've used this font often in the past so I'm over it;). The font I want is Lemon Milk Pro that I plan to purchase for commercial use also through My Font. This will be the font I will use for text on my website and e-books. DaFont has Lemon Milk but it's just the bold version, which may be too heavy for the logo. Here's my next set of notes:
- "Winning at Life" looks a little crammed the way it is so I would like to see "winning" on one line and "at life" directly underneath "winning" on a separate line, in the same position. I would also like to see it positioned directly under "Boss". I would like to see a third version with "winning" underneath "Boss", "at' underneath "Bit" and "Life" underneath "ches". So this version would have "winning at life" all in one line.
- Could we slightly elongate the swish on the last letter "s"? Please see mark up arrow for clarity on which letter "s".
- The Buddha hand still needs the three fingers straightened out so it looks more like a meditation hand. I need this to be very obvious. If it's not obvious that she meditates, we may need to add the om symbol just above that hand.
- Can the $ on the cash be a little more defined? It could be mistaken for the letter S right now instead of the $ sign.
- Could you please tweak the bottom of her hair, where it interrupts the forearm? It is bugging me for some reason.
Thanks again for all your work and creativity. You have earned top ranking so you are my favorite design now:)
Good evening,
I tried to find free download of fonts that you like. Found only two of them - "Romantically" and "Shelby". I don't like Shelby at all but "Romantically" works well with my design.
Could you please check the site
They have many fonts available for free downloads, so I will be able to try more fonts of your choice. For now I am submitting three options with fonts "Romantically" for Boss Bitches and "Champagne & limousine" - for Winning At Life.
To be continuer tomorrow :)
Thank you so much! I love the additional definition in her face - great move :). I'm not sure about adding in the green but if we are going to try that let's only do it with the cash not "at life." Is there any way we can have her standing up in a power position and also in a running position. I would really like to see what they look like. Here are a few more notes:
- I went to My Font online and chose a few fonts as I don't really love the current font. For the words, "Boss Bitches" please check out these fonts: Romantically, Shelby and Born Ready. Born Ready could look like it's written in lipstick, which is kind of cool. For the words, "WINNING AT LIFE" a strong, clean, simple and elegant font like: Brandon Grotesque, Albula Pro, Leaner and Mont. I'm providing a few suggestions for both the script font and the sans serif font so you can select the ones that compliment each other best. I will be happy to purchase the fonts we like:).
- I would like to see the words "WINNING AT LIFE" in capital letters and set directly underneath "Boss Bitches" not on a slant. I will want to use the company name without the image for certain applications so it needs to look good standing alone.
- Please remove the flame from her dress
- The Buddha hand is not quite in the right position. Could we put the money hand in the position where the Buddha hand is right now, move the baby bottle to the position where the money hand is right now and move the Buddha hand to the hand currently holding the baby bottle, lower the angle so the arm mirrors the position of the hand holding the handbag, and flatten out the three fingers like the Buddha hand image I uploaded. This way it will be clear that this woman meditates:)
I'm really getting excited about this design. I really appreciate your artistry. Thank you.
I really love where you are going with this but I would like it elevated and simplified. Here are my notes:
- "Boss Bitches" font seems too masculine and chunky. I would like to see other options for the font.
- "Winning at Life" font. I like that the font is a script but this particular script font seem a little weak. Again, I would like to see other options for the font.
- It's also important that the text part of the logo, "Boss Bitches Winning at Life" can stand on it's own without the image and still be recognizable and strong as a brand.
- I LOVE how dynamic the image of the woman is but I would like to simplify things. I don't like the stars or that swirl under the word, "Boss".
- Instead of a brief case, can we have a handbag please?
- Instead of the Om Symbol, can we just have her hand in the "Buddha Hand" position. I uploaded an image so you can see what I mean.
- Love the stilettos too:)
- Could we look at an option without the circle border and maybe against a white background rather that all that pink? Maybe we can use the pink in the dress and heels?
I think that with a little bit of refining we could have something special here:). Thank you.
Comment Activity
It might be not exactly realistic, but still expressive and illustrative.
If I try to show more details, I need to change the stile.
Also, on this particular design I can't make her legs white because of the white text.
- Version 1: Leave as it is, make "winning at life" in a slighty smaller size, maybe use a less bold version and center "at life" against "winning".
- Version 2: What would it look like if we put her over to the left of the text part of the logo and centered "winning at life" like you did in the text only example you sent today (taking into account the notes I posted on the text only example).
- With regards to the rings around the phone, can we slightly tilt the angle of the rings so it doesn't touch her hair?
- The Buddha hand is looking much better. Thank you. But it's still not too obvious that she meditates. Can we add the Om symbol (in grey/silver) above that hand and see if that might do the trick to make it obvious?
- I would also like to see the cash in grey/silver instead of green.
- Love the tail on the letter "s"!
This is really coming together now and I have asked LT how I go about moving to the finalist stage. Waiting on their response;).
Bad news - I think it's impossible to put "winning at life" in one line below "BossBitches" because there is too much going on in the middle...
I personally like "winning at life" on the right, It makes good balance with her handbag on the left.
I switched the Buda hand and coffee hand to place the Buda hand in the position as on the picture of your sample. Still not sure if it's ok now..
- "Winning at Life" looks a little crammed the way it is so I would like to see "winning" on one line and "at life" directly underneath "winning" on a separate line, in the same position. I would also like to see it positioned directly under "Boss". I would like to see a third version with "winning" underneath "Boss", "at' underneath "Bit" and "Life" underneath "ches". So this version would have "winning at life" all in one line.
- Could we slightly elongate the swish on the last letter "s"? Please see mark up arrow for clarity on which letter "s".
- The Buddha hand still needs the three fingers straightened out so it looks more like a meditation hand. I need this to be very obvious. If it's not obvious that she meditates, we may need to add the om symbol just above that hand.
- Can the $ on the cash be a little more defined? It could be mistaken for the letter S right now instead of the $ sign.
- Could you please tweak the bottom of her hair, where it interrupts the forearm? It is bugging me for some reason.
Thanks again for all your work and creativity. You have earned top ranking so you are my favorite design now:)
I tried to find free download of fonts that you like. Found only two of them - "Romantically" and "Shelby". I don't like Shelby at all but "Romantically" works well with my design.
Could you please check the site
They have many fonts available for free downloads, so I will be able to try more fonts of your choice. For now I am submitting three options with fonts "Romantically" for Boss Bitches and "Champagne & limousine" - for Winning At Life.
To be continuer tomorrow :)
Thank you for all the feedback.
- I went to My Font online and chose a few fonts as I don't really love the current font. For the words, "Boss Bitches" please check out these fonts: Romantically, Shelby and Born Ready. Born Ready could look like it's written in lipstick, which is kind of cool. For the words, "WINNING AT LIFE" a strong, clean, simple and elegant font like: Brandon Grotesque, Albula Pro, Leaner and Mont. I'm providing a few suggestions for both the script font and the sans serif font so you can select the ones that compliment each other best. I will be happy to purchase the fonts we like:).
- I would like to see the words "WINNING AT LIFE" in capital letters and set directly underneath "Boss Bitches" not on a slant. I will want to use the company name without the image for certain applications so it needs to look good standing alone.
- Please remove the flame from her dress
- The Buddha hand is not quite in the right position. Could we put the money hand in the position where the Buddha hand is right now, move the baby bottle to the position where the money hand is right now and move the Buddha hand to the hand currently holding the baby bottle, lower the angle so the arm mirrors the position of the hand holding the handbag, and flatten out the three fingers like the Buddha hand image I uploaded. This way it will be clear that this woman meditates:)
I'm really getting excited about this design. I really appreciate your artistry. Thank you.
Thank you for the great feedback. It is very inspiring :)
Looking forward to work on it tomorrow. Thanks!
I really love where you are going with this but I would like it elevated and simplified. Here are my notes:
- "Boss Bitches" font seems too masculine and chunky. I would like to see other options for the font.
- "Winning at Life" font. I like that the font is a script but this particular script font seem a little weak. Again, I would like to see other options for the font.
- It's also important that the text part of the logo, "Boss Bitches Winning at Life" can stand on it's own without the image and still be recognizable and strong as a brand.
- I LOVE how dynamic the image of the woman is but I would like to simplify things. I don't like the stars or that swirl under the word, "Boss".
- Instead of a brief case, can we have a handbag please?
- Instead of the Om Symbol, can we just have her hand in the "Buddha Hand" position. I uploaded an image so you can see what I mean.
- Love the stilettos too:)
- Could we look at an option without the circle border and maybe against a white background rather that all that pink? Maybe we can use the pink in the dress and heels?
I think that with a little bit of refining we could have something special here:). Thank you.
Boss Bitch Winning at Life