Thank you for submitting your designs and for following my brief:). I like where this is going. Here's a few notes I have for you:
-I'm not sold on the font. It's too standard so I would like to see other options.
- Her dress is too conservative and she needs to be look more hip, fashion forward, confident, playful and powerful. I would like to see her dressed more fashion forward and she needs higher stiletto heels.
- The baby bottle should be a softer color like pastel pink, lavender or blue and white (not black)
- I would really like to see only the following symbols: mobile phone, take out cup of coffee (disposable cup, she is on the run and in a hurry so she can't carry a cup and saucer), hand bag, baby's bottle, cash, a dumbbell, Buddha Hand (I uploaded an image of a Buddha's Hand so you know what I am looking for) and a heart.
- The arm holding the dumbbell should be flexing like she is working out her biceps,
Looking forward to seeing the updated design! Thank you.
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Thank you for submitting your designs and for following my brief:). I like where this is going. Here's a few notes I have for you:
-I'm not sold on the font. It's too standard so I would like to see other options.
- Her dress is too conservative and she needs to be look more hip, fashion forward, confident, playful and powerful. I would like to see her dressed more fashion forward and she needs higher stiletto heels.
- The baby bottle should be a softer color like pastel pink, lavender or blue and white (not black)
- I would really like to see only the following symbols: mobile phone, take out cup of coffee (disposable cup, she is on the run and in a hurry so she can't carry a cup and saucer), hand bag, baby's bottle, cash, a dumbbell, Buddha Hand (I uploaded an image of a Buddha's Hand so you know what I am looking for) and a heart.
- The arm holding the dumbbell should be flexing like she is working out her biceps,
Looking forward to seeing the updated design! Thank you.
Boss Bitch Winning at Life