Hi Trinova,
I apologize for the numerous revisions and really appreciate your support as promised. I have solicited final feedback from the CEO and his team and he's agreed that he can make a winning selection from YOUR designs once the below following feedback has been integrated into some revisions. You'll see some questions I asked him (specific) and his replies.
Which specific # design(s) (From Trinova's designs) would you like to see the color scheme modified in?
(#82 with white people in bubble and the orange word “chat” under the M. Would also like to see an example of the explosion found in #39 with white people in it in front of an Orange and Blue BOOM) ( #38, with white people in bubble and orange word “ chat” under the M) ( #58, with the word “chat” under the M) (#77, with the orange word “chat” under the M) (#88 , , with the orange word “chat” under the M) (#39, , with the orange word “chat” under the M…”I really like the explosion graphic on this one. Might want to see it in front of the others “
What exact letters do you want in the Site Staff Orange? Combo…… ( BOOM) and ( BOOM )
What exact letters do you want in the Site Staff Blue? Because of the orange followed by blue in the SiteStaff logo and us wanting to follow the design I am thinking, BO in orange and OM in blue. But I would also like to see B orange, O Blue, O orange, M Blue
I will instruct the artist to use the same orange/blue from the logo at sitestaff.com. Please confirm (yes/no) Yes
(#39, , with the orange word “chat” under the M…”I really like the explosion graphic on this one. Would like see examples of it in front of the others with the white people located inside.)
We will be a able to choose a winner from these.