Please provide links to the statues you reference - I could not find them on the web. Also I could not open the file you uploaded it is in a format that just does not work on my computer. Try a jpg or png file maybe?
The circle of hands as a symbol of the connection between brothers is one I feel sends a message that might work for your organization and stay simple in design.
This is a very interesting concept that we would like to see better developed. The hands are interesting but there may be so many that it becomes cluttered. Five could create a pentagon. The colors seem too blue dominated. A gold background and red letters with different color hands (different race?s) might reduce the amount of blue. Is that too specific for feedback? There is a lot of promise to this as a logo applied to challenge coins. Does everyone know what those are?
Absolutely I know about challenge coins - I make thousands of them a year for my clients who do satellite missions. (Lockheed Martin is one of my big clients as is the US Navy) I will modify. The reason for the different colors is to show all races I will change to more colors and 5 hands - good symbolism.
How about four hands with swords crossing in the middle: one Marine Officer, one Marine NCO, one Army Saber and one naval sword? I can send pics if you need.