#2 I like the idea of using the 'body figure' as the letter Y. I would prefer bolder writing, for main heading, as in #1. Maybe the second line, the letters more spaced out..? Similar to #5 but larger? Also, is the "body" Y the exact same colour as rest of blue letters? Great job though, thanx!
#5 -if 2nd line was bigger, more visible.. Not 100% convinced as to whether it presents too much "holistic" & not enough fitness? Know what I mean?
#4 I really love the idea of the grey in with the other 2 colours! (& the look the line gives it). Maybe the main heading a bit bolder/bubble writing? & maybe a picture that represents a little more fitness & health & a little less "holistic"..? Hope I'm making sense... ;)
#1 maybe the figure is too similar to my previous logo... I like the idea of the line & the bolder letters for 'body bliss' writing...
#3 bolder writing, less "holistic" & more fitness for the figure?
Thanx Guys, I really appreciate your efforts -keep your ideas coming, I'm loving it!! :)
could I possibly see #4 and #14 in bolder letters/font? and maybe even capital letters for the main heading? Is it possible to get shading or two tone colouring through the BODY BLISS wording?
#3 there's something I like about this one in particular, could we try this one with bolder letters and less holistic design but more active/fun maybe? Thanx so much ;)