Final Files have been uploaded, please review and aprouved.
1. .ai ( vector ) : Original, one color, and the White version on color.
2. .eps ( vector ) : Original, one color, and the White version on color.
3. .pdf ( vector ) : perfect for the print shop, Original, one color, and the White version on color.
4. .svg ( WEB ) : perfect for your website..the color version
4. .png ( WEB ) : perfect for web use..the color version.
Let me know if you require any other versions, contact me by email anytime, and good luck.
Hi! :) thank you for choosing my design to represent your brand! I will upload the final files to you shortly!
here is my email for futur dealing you would like :
Loving it. Can you connect the 3 grey dots in the 'i' so it's one line? And then can you try one with the line in the 'a' completely filled in and one with the line in the 'a' completely out?
-can I see this with the logo a little smaller and the title larger?
-and then underneath it can we try a subtitle "sound design | mix"
-can we try the 'i' in 'barito' in full grey except for the red peak at the top? so no green/yellow
I think the grey and white one is still my fav but we can try this one more time. I do think the grey works better even with the colors. And then for the meters I want to stay true to how meters work - the first 7 dots on all meters can be green, the next 4 can be yellow, and the last 1 can be red. Does that make sense?
Comment Activity
1. .ai ( vector ) : Original, one color, and the White version on color.
2. .eps ( vector ) : Original, one color, and the White version on color.
3. .pdf ( vector ) : perfect for the print shop, Original, one color, and the White version on color.
4. .svg ( WEB ) : perfect for your website..the color version
4. .png ( WEB ) : perfect for web use..the color version.
Let me know if you require any other versions, contact me by email anytime, and good luck.
here is my email for futur dealing you would like :
-can I see this with the logo a little smaller and the title larger?
-and then underneath it can we try a subtitle "sound design | mix"
-can we try the 'i' in 'barito' in full grey except for the red peak at the top? so no green/yellow