sorry for delay to send the revisions logo, I was holiday and now just back to work, How about my new revisions #93#94#95
Please check my revisions, Feedback please, Thank you very much.
Maybe move the bottom bolt to the top middle of the shield. Lower the BP design some... Good job on the font for Bob's Paintball... under that I'd like to see /// Established 2000. also would like to see Bob's Paintball in red... thank you
You did exactly what we asked you to do... and thank you for that. 3-4 people here in the office said it almost looks like a question mark. Any ideas on how to fix that? sorry --- again you did what we asked - just didn't know it would present a question mark... Really liking the shield though and the solid red.
Great work - thank you so much. The splats in paintball are kind of a worn out theme... Could I see these as "bolts" in the three corners... as if the shield is made of metal and has rivets -- The splats gave me that idea. Also while the gradient on the red BP symbol is nice I would like to see it just one color (reddish color)... I like the font on Bob's Paintball --- but could I see a few more fonts -- maybe not so "pointy" and space age.. Also could we see some alternatives to the shape of the shield? round, etc. Thanks again for your work!
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sorry for delay to send the revisions logo, I was holiday and now just back to work, How about my new revisions #93 #94 #95
Please check my revisions, Feedback please, Thank you very much.
How about this one?
Thank you for the feedback.
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