Hello and thx very much for your invitation. I took a look to the brief and I'm posting a submission featuring the web in an abstract way, using modern and clear reading fonts with your prefered colours. Feel free to provide your feedback on any changes you'd like to see or make any suggestions. Best regards,
Hello. Since you didn't liked my first entry, here you go a simple and modern entry where the website screen states the "b" innitial in a 3D way and with your prefered colors. I'm at your service till the end of your contest,
hello! here you go the capitals version along with the icon; also changed to capitals on the busniess name to match the icon. Wish you a great evening,
Hello! I coud customize the font for the innitials making a signature kind layout... I realy think that small letters are very up to date and look much better then the usual used capitals. Posting some layout options for it for your consideration. Best regards,
hey Claudia - im not a fan of the new BMG with the "tails" or long lines - can we try new fonts? the only reason i lke uppercase is because its my name, and usuallly names would be uppercased.
Hello! I've drawed from scratch a typefont to represnet your innitials in capitals and with a modern feel. I'm submiting 3 options for the layout and perspectives to help you evaluate it better. If we don't speak sooner, wish you a great weekend,