Yes, I know.
But at this stage it's really hard to think with emphasis on 'blueprint' and speed, without making it too technical and busy.
I'll appreciate your suggestions on the new idea.
Thank you!
In order to make speed work with the name Blueprint to a Billion, I think whatever it is needs to be on a blueprint or it will be a fast thing with a name that doesn't work. That means we need to try something else. Thoughts?
Well, instead of rocket.
If they really like to see the speed concept. We can just remove the kid, and keep the falling star.
I know it is not a controllable object, but that's the metaphor right?
I understand your frustration. At this point we had to find a totally new concept.
I'll try to explore something new and update as soon as I can.
Thank you!
I love the design but it's not going to make it. Damn clients are too literal. They have no damn imagination. I love all yoru designs. They aren't resonating the way I would like
From the feedback from clients, I need to abandon kid concepts. They don't like. They want something to say, we deliver the blueprint to get results fast. Fast, fast, now, immediate were the feedbacks. Thoughts?
TO be clear, my clients are saying that they like the artwork you provided, but they don't like the concept I gave you. They think the logo must be about getting results fast
Well, I'm not sure about adding speed on the kid, as it's already introduced by another designer.
My thought when we add the speed to the kid, the negative space concept would be too small and too complex.
And we will loss too many aesthetic part of the concept.
If you think speed concept would work best, I recommend you to develop another finalist who introduced this concept from the beginning.
I hope you understand the situation.
Thank you!
I love the logo and they type. It's terrific. My clients aren't loving the concept the way I do. THey think I should push off the kid and focus on speed. A logo that gets results faster. The blueprint of a rocket or something like that. Thoughts?
Thank you for your suggestion.
Well, talking about the speed. That's why I choose the falling star in the picture.
The falling star is the moment when you make a wish in a blink speed. If you missed the moment, you missed the opportunity.
One revision has been uploaded, to convey more about the speed.
Thank you!
This is a good concept and we're testing it with some others. I'm getting some pushback on the child and the reach and getting advice that we need something that says action. A concept that I suggested to another that is taking off literally is the notion of speed. That the Blueprint to a Billion gets people results faster, more predictably, better....if you think about an icon that says fast, speed, etc I'd love to see it. What is the metaphor for fast that would have a literal blueprint? ONe that you could show measurements, proportions, numbers?
Well, this #259 typeface is actually the closest one to the example, but I know that it gives different effect, because the lettering arrangement and the words of the company is a bit longer than the Dreamworks. And it has preposition that gives the wording separation looks too long in one line.
You are guaranteed a place in the next round and that's why I gave you that information as I realize you can't do work if it isn't giving you a chance. You are # 4 concept right now..the rankings ahead are largely because there are multiple versions of same thing and Im comparing them
you are right. your font is better:) Your ranking is relatively low because I have several versions of same logo I'm looking at above you. Reality is you are in my top five designers right now so don't disappear on me:)
Thanks for hearing me. Not sure this is it either. Let me get some feedback so I don't waste your time. I like the icon...something isn't right but I don't have the aesthetic vocabulary to find it....but its really close!
Thank you for your kind feedback.
Well, the reason I choose this type of font is to get more readable in a small size. But, I agree that the impression of the font style in the example is more aesthetic as a hallmark.
that's clean. lots of good things hear. Take a look at the dream works logo font and see if you can change ithe font to that style and see how it works. I think the logo icon is clean and attractive. Simple. Will show up well big or small. The type font is the right idea and you are a good designer. I'm not emotionally connected to the font but clients may like it. I like the other style I mentioned for this
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But at this stage it's really hard to think with emphasis on 'blueprint' and speed, without making it too technical and busy.
I'll appreciate your suggestions on the new idea.
Thank you!
If they really like to see the speed concept. We can just remove the kid, and keep the falling star.
I know it is not a controllable object, but that's the metaphor right?
I understand your frustration. At this point we had to find a totally new concept.
I'll try to explore something new and update as soon as I can.
Thank you!
Thank you!
My thought when we add the speed to the kid, the negative space concept would be too small and too complex.
And we will loss too many aesthetic part of the concept.
If you think speed concept would work best, I recommend you to develop another finalist who introduced this concept from the beginning.
I hope you understand the situation.
Thank you!
Well, talking about the speed. That's why I choose the falling star in the picture.
The falling star is the moment when you make a wish in a blink speed. If you missed the moment, you missed the opportunity.
One revision has been uploaded, to convey more about the speed.
Thank you!
Thank you for your kind consideration.
Please let me give you one more options to be considered on the typeface style.
Thank you!
Well, the reason I choose this type of font is to get more readable in a small size. But, I agree that the impression of the font style in the example is more aesthetic as a hallmark.
Please find my latest revisions.