#12: If it could contain the text "Innovations for Resource Management" underneath, and if the map on the cube could focus on Alaska, that would be fantastic. (Oh, and maybe if the cube cast a reflection below).
One note: There's another geospatial company that uses a "globe cube" logo (http://www.i3.com/)... I'd just want to make sure that ours stands well apart from theirs.
Thanks for submitting... and for forwarding the tips for CH's!
#13: That's fantastic... thanks for the new design.
My only comment is that the outline of the state of Alaska doesn't include the southeast portion of the state (where Juneau is).... we do some work down there, so it would be great if that area of the state could be added in. Maybe the southeast arm of the state could slide behind the word "Innovations"?
LLC added. I've also reduce the cloud size it was a wee bit over sized...well this contest is going to be nail bitter....keeping ranked 1st is not an easy task
I thought I'd at least comment on why I think #21 slipped to position 2....
Someone else in the company commented that they thought the "Alaska - Cloud" pattern looked a bit too abstract. So I was going to suggest 2 things....
1. Somehow make the full state of Alaska stand out a bit from the clouds. I like the way the state blends into the clouds, but maybe the state could have a border, or a slightly different color.
2. Maybe the "Alaska - Cloud" pattern could be expanded to be more of a sphere, and maybe it could fall behind the "Blue Skies" text a bit.
Thanks for submitting #46. I think the addition of the sun might be a bit much for us, but It made me realize that I'd like to see a version of #43 with "Skies" a shade of blue instead of black... and "Solutions, LLC" a shade of blue as well.
1.The "Skies Solutions, LLC" a bit more blue-gray (closer to the color of "Blue")
2. A version with the globe-cloud design at the left and "Blue Skies Solutions, LLC" to the immediate right of it, with "Innovations for Resource Management" underneath the "Blue Skies Solutions, LLC".