The other designer will not split 50/50 so we were left to choose only one designer and we'd like to go with yours. Is possible to get both this version and the other version with the antlers on the M as a variation?
Great! That's exactly what we were thinking. I'll keep you updated. If the other designer is on board, I'll email Logo Tournament and ask them to split 50/50.
Good morning! Our team met this morning and we are torn. We all like your font/words better but like the moose of the other one. Would you be willing to do a split?
Love this! We sent to a few friends for feedback and every one of them said they love it except the face looks like a bull not a moose. Can we thin out and lengthen the face just a bit?
Hi again! My business partners really like this one too. The white stands out better. However, (and this is embarrassing), the white on the head looks a little bit like a penis. If we can change the shape just a bit, I think this will be a our front runner.
I showed my business partners this morning and everyone loves this logo but the antlers look a bit like a bird from far away. I can’t quite identify how to best incorporate a moose/antlers, but we really love the lettering.
This is great! The only other thing we might try is making it slightly more square - the words a bit smaller and the moose a bit larger? Not sure we'll like that more than this, but would be worth seeing. thanks!
Love this! Can we see the antlers with more paddle and a few less spikes? Also, love the contrasting colors, but the light blue on the forehead looks slightly phallic. Can we extend to the sides a bit more (or less)?
Thank you! Can we make the antlers more like paddles? Where we are, we have moose and caribou. These antlers look like caribou so I'm hoping for a thicker, paddle look.
I like this one too except the moose body - can we do just the head and maybe filled in in stead of outlined? I'm excited about your design aesthetic!!
This looks great! I love that is' modern and mixes 2 blue tones and incorporate imagery of storage!! I'd love to see one just like this but instead of the moose in the "o" have a large moose head above the words that looks like the blue bear image in the original write up? Thank you so much!!
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On this phase i created a few designs, would you mind to check please..
If there's any changes or suggestions feel free to let me know.
Your feedback always welcome.
Best regards,