I really like several of your designs. #56, #57 & #41 are very interesting.
I do like the emblem concept (#57), would like to see Blue Jewel in the emblem if possible. I would like the emblem a little more calm, less Aztek. I like the shape of the emblem used in #54 but not how they inserted the B & J.
I would like a different font for Blue Jewel in #41 I like the font used in #44.
I liked #44 & #28 in the contest, but would like to see your style in these concepts.
I can now see why you used a simple font for Blue Jewel for #41, it does not compete with the fancy BJ in the background.
I like the soft BJ you used in #70, but the emblem is so plain. I really liked the emblem I posted in my notes at the start of the contest. I tried to paste it here for you to see, but it will not copy. It is the Olive Home logo emblem #325 by luckykid on the logotournament.com website. I like the shape and the detail around the outline of the shape. I don't care for the topiary tree as the background. Something in this style in the soft gray blue color would be great.
I keep going back to your #56, Can you make the background in a pale (pale like you have it) but in a soft aqua gray?
Also on #56, I put a soft double line (of different size lines) border around the logo and I really like it and tried to copy it and send to you, but I cannot paste it, I guess the software will not allow it. For example, if the logo was on a 3.5 inch by 2 inch card, I put the border about 1/16 to 1/8 of an inch around the edge. Can you show me something like that using the type of border you see with that particular design?
I pasted the logo with a the border we discussed earlier on my website that is also under construction: http://bluejewelinteriors.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/PSTO-56.docx The file is PSTO 56. I did the border in Word, I am sure you can come up with a better more interesting but subtle border.
I would like to work with you to finalize a good final logo. I am still deciding if this is the right font or if there is anything that grabs me more. I do really like your original design, just want options, but often the first one is the best!
These are looking good, thank you. I like #211 best. I like the squared off border around the perimeter better on this design than the rounded corners one on a couple of the other designs. #215 is interesting too, can you change 215 border to be like 211's border? Can you also brush out the edges of the oval on 215? I am still a little undecided on the font.
Can you try the following? Make the background of #211 in charcoal or dark gray and the Blue Jewel in a white font, Keep the blue floral motif and borders blue as they are.
These are very nice, thank you. Can you move the border further away from the artwork on the following designs, 223, 225 & 221? More like the picture I showed you. Thank you.
Hello, I cant move the border as you wish because that means to broke the site's rule not to put the logo in borders. After the end of the contest it may be done.