Hey, Congrats! We have picked you and one other designer to submit a few more designs for our review.
We really like the design that is now rated #1. We feel it is very strong and bold. We do like the B&C above blucraft with the wings coming off of the letters. We are wondering though if you could make some adjustments to the lines. Possibly making them look more sophisticated and modern (thin, straight lines???), but wanted your expertise to shine and come up with a few iterations. We like the Letter F in Blucraft and would suggest to leave that, but some additional designs would be appreciated with the lines and blucraft altered.
We will accept your designs for the next 2 days and be responsive in giving feedback and then turn it over to the other designer for the remaining time, and then choose the winner.
We REALLY like your design and feel you have strong talent. We feel like that with a few adjustments and tweaks, this could be the winning design. Thanks so much!