Thank you for your patience. Your logo (and all that are similar to this one) is among the top 3. Our decision will be made at our Board of Directors Meeting on October 18th. Thank you again.
Thank you for your logo submission. The executive team for the BEDC will be meeting on Thursday to submit the top 5 to our membership to select. I will be reorganizing the order by Tuesday, October 10th and will have a selection by October 27th. I apologize for the lengthy process however we are a non-profit governed by a Board of Directors. Again, we appreciate your submission and I wish you the best of luck.
Thank you for your logo submission. The executive team for the BEDC will be meeting on Thursday to submit the top 5 to our membership to select. I will be reorganizing the order by Tuesday, October 10th and will have a selection by October 27th. I apologize for the lengthy process however we are a non-profit governed by a Board of Directors. Again, we appreciate your submission and I wish you the best of luck.
Hello - Can you please make some adjustments? The circle around the BEDC, can you incorporate 4 colors. 219EBC, 700202, FFBC42 & 023047. Please add "The Greater above company name in a smaller font. AND, add our tagline "Serving Bloomington, Ellettsville and Monroe County, Indiana." Thank you so much.
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If you have updates.
Feel free to contact me here. I will do according to your request.
Thanks !
Any update?