I would like you to understand me well.
Processing or placing photos into a logo is not my work style.
The logo should be as simple as possible and easy to use.
Fully legible even after reduction. I'm sorry, but it stops being a logo, it just becomes an image.
Can u check out the new photo i added with the hands, and somehow incoperate ur drawing into it?
Want real life looking hands tho. Like, maybe even a pic of actual hands doin the sign in the drawing i uploaded
Is there any possible way to make the hands super realistic, and not so cheezy?
Also the”F” is cocked on an angle (which is good-realistic with the angle off the hand) can we make the “B” like that also?
“Scroll“ is super Boxee. I was wanting it to be more wavy and tattered if that’s a possibility. Details is what will matter with this one. Anyway to make the eye more realistic?
Thank you for your comment. I'm not sure if you can use a banknote logo in the logo.
It seems to me that this is subject to legal protection. I've made less details because the logo has to be simple enough to be used for different applications. I will add more details, but as I wrote earlier I will create a different picture than it is on the banknote.
like this a lot, but it lacks detail. meaning, can we make it look almost EXACTLY like the pyramid on the back of the dollar bill? change it up with the mini detached pyramid with the eye in it, the roman numerals across the bottom (faded, almost hard to see) and then have the scroll just like on the bill (with old style font) saying “Bloominati flowers” on the scroll
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The other being a circle around the hands, somehow incoporating “the earth” in the background
Processing or placing photos into a logo is not my work style.
The logo should be as simple as possible and easy to use.
Fully legible even after reduction. I'm sorry, but it stops being a logo, it just becomes an image.
Want real life looking hands tho. Like, maybe even a pic of actual hands doin the sign in the drawing i uploaded
Also the”F” is cocked on an angle (which is good-realistic with the angle off the hand) can we make the “B” like that also?
“Academy engraved LET”
It seems to me that this is subject to legal protection. I've made less details because the logo has to be simple enough to be used for different applications. I will add more details, but as I wrote earlier I will create a different picture than it is on the banknote.