entry #3 please eliminate the fading effect in the background and the glove effect in the 24. We want to keep the logo as simple as possible Make the phrase "mercatino dell'usato" bigger: the costumer have to understand immediatly what "blocco 24" does.
entry #5 Please change the 24 number font (I'm not saying we don't like it but we would like to see also a different one) The other problem, and this is important is that the phrase "mercatino dell'usato" have to be much more visible: the costumer have to be able to understand immediatly what "Blocco 24" does!
entry #4 try that: leave the words as they are (except for the glow effect on the 24), reduce the 4 cubes and put them on the right with the same height of the words!
Hi Drakkar entry #93 The bag idea isn't bad at all! We don't like the font (number 24), try use a diffent one and also different colors but please: no fading, shadow or glow effect, even in the background!
entry #70 It's getting better! Can you try to change the font fof the 24? in the entry #9 it fits, we think less in the entry #70
entry #142 Cool logo! The only problem here is that the Word "BLOCCO" it's hard to see, Can you try to make it bigger? (Maybe putting the 24 number in the other side of the cube to gain space)
Anyway good direction, different from the others, compact, simple and easy to remember
thanks for your time, looking forward for the new version