could you come up with various color variation and pls remove the slogan. further logo B with waves, could you come up with some font variation as well as color variation.
yes maka its nice. could you see the rank #6? could you come with those color variations? and and i want 'b' to be like embossed. or bulge. Hope you get me. Further , if u can pls come with the letter B with more variation .
Revision Updated in #127 ------------------------------------------- *honestly dispite of the name... "blazewave" i do like the first version #61 using brown cookies that represent "Delicious apps"
the #61 version is compact / neat logo layout :)
but you know the best logo that match in your company vilambra, it just my designer perspective :)
p.s What time now in india? i am here is 2.48AM in the morning :D
oh ya.. just some info about 3d logo is best suit on multimedia environment like web/videos.. but it will quite bit hard in mail / fax and simple implementation like 1 color (black/white) version.
the solid 2d logo is has simple benefit, easy to produce in every environment.
Hi, but even though tagline was removed we like #131 rather this #134. what we need is some changes in "B" like adding one more stroke in the top of B to look like waves by removing dots.
yes, color is also fine. after finalizing the image "B", we will give some more colors and see how it looks. After that we will finalize your logo as winner.
feedback 1 In #131 remove the dots. Now you will see B with wave like strokes in the top. In that now add one more small wave like strokes.
feedback 2 and also in #135 could u change the side of that top waves to left of the "B" ----------------------------------------- feedback 1 sorry, a bit confuse here... let say on #131 B it has 3 crop circle right? you want add 1 crop circle more?
feedback 2 change position the small wave? to a bit left?