We really like the idea of a logo on the left and the name on the right just like #4,2, and 5. I really like the logo part of #4, and #5. My business partner thinks it's too generic. I would really like to see some ideas similar to it but different. I do like the idea of using some color but we do not like the color in #5. We like purple, dark purple, silver. I like the idea of using the B and I for the logo like in #2, however I don't care for the logo in #2. More ideas using the B and I would be great. Also the name is Blaremy Investments with an s at the end of investment.
Love, love, love #34! The only thing is the company names is Blaremy Investments with an s on the end. Also really like #35, and would like to see a combination between #33 and #35, with the purple buildings like #35 but maybe the grey line under the buildings like #33. Maybe more of a gradient in the buildings. Just a little more variation in the coloring and it's great. I like the mirror effect of #36, but the graphic feels a little disconnected from the logo. Thanks for all you submissions!
#46 and #44 are awesome, however we just realized the cityscape doesn't really fit with our business in Arizona. So if you can do something to give it a southwest feel, we would like to see that or just more residential rather than skyscrapers. There's a lot of cactus and mountains and plains here, though I don't know if we want to go that literal. If you can make it look sophisticated still, it could be cool. The one story, stucco style houses are real big here. Look up southwest houses to get a better idea of what we're looking for. The sprawling stone villa type houses are more our aesthetic.