I may settle for the 1st ranked one. but no one really showed promotional items in the logo. So if you have any ideas post them. I would be open to them. if I still go with the 1st ranked one, I would put you in 2nd for the effort if that helps your outcome.
Here are the changes I would like to see. I am happy with the look and feel of #95. I may stick with this one, but curious about the following changes.
1-Try a black outline of the word "Jack" instead of the Red. 2-I don't really love either of the FONTS from PROMOS. Try Berlin Sans FB Demi Font. 3-Some how make the Tag Line Wider. and Possible in Bold Black. So it stands out.
If this works, I have my winner. Thanks for extra effort!
Awesome! Thank you for the fantastic suggestions! I will be away from the computer for a little while - just to let you know I'm not ignoring further suggestions. Looking forward to hearing from you.