I like #21's font, The circle isn't hitting it for me. I like the sheep standing alone, or maybe you can try some buildnig /barn shapes to frame the sheep.
On 22 i get the irony of a white sheep, i think the sheep has to be black though...I plan on using the sheep as a brand with out writing on apparel/hats.
thanks for revising the design. on entry #24, One last idea to try to bring in something that represents timber framing/post and beam. if you gooogle framing chisel - a bunch of images will pop up. do you think instead of the line between the sheep and font you could use a framing chisel as the break line....timber framing chisels are long, so it might work, and it is the primary tool of the trade
now that we are into the finalists I would like to ask for one little adjustment to your design which is excellent
on #26 could you make a little bit of a space between the sheep and chisel equal to the space between the chisel and the writing. and could you make the sheep just a touch larger....perhaps you can send a few sizes to choose from, not much bigger though.